Inspirations for your picture wall

Create your own picture wall. There is - fortunately - no formula for how a picture wall should be made, but here at PLAKATfar you will find a wide range of design tools and examples, which you can be inspired by. In addition to our many examples of picture walls, with composite images, you can also dive into our picture wall templates, which you can use as a starting point for your new picture wall. So whether you want to make your own picture wall above your bed or above your sofa, a picture wall in your living room, dining room, bedroom or children's room, we give you the ideas.

Kunstplakater af Klee, Schlemmer og Morris med bred hvid kant
To plakater af Theophile Steinlen - Chat Noir og Cocorico
Tre moderne abstrakte kunstplakater
Plakatpar med billeder af Knippelsbro i København
Væg med tre efteråsbilleder i rammer
To pop art plakater med eksplosioner i lyserøde orange og blå farver
Tre kunstplakater med Kandinsky værker i soveværelset
Billedvæg med motiver fra serien Blue Bodies
tre vandrette billedet Munch Hokusai og Kandinsky
To køkkenplakater med efterårets grøntsager
Stregtegninger af kunstnerne Lundstrøm Klee og Klimt
To plakater med vinranker
To Paul Kleinschmidt malerier står op af en væg
Tre plakater med danske sneklædte motiver
fire smukke kunstbilleder der skaber et hele
Tre italienske motiver med romantiske bybilleder
billedvæg med seks berømte Monet malerier
Tre plakater med billeder fra franske Menton
Billedvæg med Kandinsky malerier
fem stemningsfulde sort hvide plakater i rammer
Plakatvæg med fem indrammede Jules Chéret værker
tre festlige og farverige danske naturmotiver fra skoven
billedvæg med seks kvadratiske fotokunstplakater
Tre grønne naturbilleder i sorte trærammer
Billedvæg med Hilma af Klint kunstplakater
Billedvæg med William Morris plakater
Væg med Vilhelm Hammershøi kunstplakater
billedvæg tre plakater med grønne naturmotiver fra norge
Seks efterårsbilleder på en sort stuevæg
fem kunstplakater hænger som en billedevæg i en stue
To Monetplakater på en stuevæg
Billedvæg med tre New York Billeder
To blålige naturmotiver på væg i stuen
Stuevæg med italienske billeder
tre sort-hvide plakater på en betonvæg
Stuevæg med Paul Klee kunstplakater
mindfulness naturbilleder på væg i soveværelse
To billeder med norske naturmotiver, der står på gulvet
Stuevæg med Franz Marc kunstplakater
billeder i yserøde og grå farver i guldrammer
Væg med grønne billeder med skovmotiver
Væg fuld af Vilhelm Lundstrøm billeder
væg med billeder fra Provence i Frankrig
Væg med sort-hvide billeder
plakatvæg med motiver fra Færøerne
Billedvæg med Hilma af Klint
Billedvæg med William Morris
Billedvæg med fem Egon Schiele plakater
billedvæg med Edvard Munch plakater
billedvæg med Helene Schjerfbeck plakater
billedvæg med gule efterårsfarver
billedvæg med fire færø plakater
billedvæg med abstrakte luftfotografier af naturen
plakatvæg tre billeder med fnok valmuer og raps hænger over en sofa
billedvæg med plakater i gyldne farver
to plakater med lyserøde og grå farver
To mindfulness plakater med solstråler
tre plakater med abstrakt fotokunst fra naturen
Plakatvæg med danske naturmotiver
to plakater med eksklusive nordiske naturbilleder fra Plakatfar
billedvæg med tre naturplakater i farver og sort-hvid
billedvæg med stemningsfyldte sort-hvide fotokunst plakater
billedvæg med to byplakater fra New York City
billedvæg med tre smukke norske fjeldmotiver
billedvæg og plakat væg billeder i sorte og røde farver
Tre plakater med vandbilleder
billedvæg og plakat væg med billeder fra provence frankrig
plakat sæt plakater med en iris og en palme
plakatsæt med en vild tiger og eventyrlig skov
plakatsæt to plakater med blå naturmotiver fra norge
plakatpar med to danmarksplakater fra rubjerg knude
billedvæg tre plakater i grøn blå farver der hænger på en væg over en hvid lædersofa
billedvæg med 3 byplakater i sort-hvid
billedvæg tre plakater med færøerne billeder over en kommode
billedvæg fire stemningsfulde danske landskabsbilleder på en væg
billedvæg tre stemningsfulde nordiske landskabsbilleder
plakatsæt med chili frugter i rød og sort
plakatvæg med fire færøerne plakater
plakatsæt to sort-hvide new york plakater på en væg
Tre plakater med træer
plakatsæt to dyreplakater med får - et der stirrer og et der græsser
billedvæg tre dyreplakater med får kat og tiger
billedvæg tre typiske bybilleder fra New York City der hænger på en væg
plakatvæg tre billeder med lyserøde motiver hænger på en lyserød væg
plakatpar to sort-hvide dyreplakater med en ugle og en snog

Billedvæg Skabeloner

skabelon til billedvæg med 3 billeder
"Tre på stribe"
En simpel men klassisk billedvæg skabelon, der kan udføres med forskellige plakat størrelser.
inspiration til billedvæg med tre plakater
"Den meget simple"
En stor plakat og to små plakater, der passer godt, som billedvæg  til den lille boligindretning.
billedvæg med tre plakater skabelon
"Den simple"
En lille hyggelig billedvæg, du kan få plads til på enhver væg i hjemmet, også i dine små rum og værelser.
skabelon inspiration til plakatvæg med fire plakater
"Den elegante"
En flot og elegant billedvæg skabelon med tre forskellige plakat størrelser. Størrelserne kan let varieres.
fire billeder skabelon inspiration
Enkel og elegant billedvæg med blandede formater.
fire plakater skabelon inspiration
"Den traditionelle"
En simpelt designet billedvæg med flere forskellige plakat størrelser, i en traditionel ophængning. 
inspiration til en billedvæg med fire billeder
En flot skarp kantet billedvæg, der giver et flot firkantet og regelret look, der kan rumme mange motiver.
inspiration til ophængning af billedvæg med fire billeder
"Stor vandre"
Her tages der udgangspunkt i en stor vandret plakat, der suppleres med flere mindre formater.
inspirerende skabelon til billedvæg med fire plakater
"Den tandede"
Her er en billedvæg, der tager udgangspunkt i to store vandrette plakater, suppleret med lodrette.
inspirerende ide til en billedvæg med fire plakater
En lidt sjov billedvæg, der i sin form passer godt til plakater, der holder sig inden for samme tema.
billedvæg skabelon med plads til fire plakater
"Den kompakte"
En billedvæg hvor der bruges både vandrette plakater og lodrette plakater, i forskellige størrelser.
inspiration til plakatvæg med fire plakater
En stor plakat størrelse, hvor små plakater vokser ud fra, som bobler i en sodavand.


What characterizes a beautiful picture wall or poster wall?

It is definitely a very individual question, and therefore difficult to answer. A picture wall can be made up of pictures and photos you have lying around. That way, the picture wall might become a personal story about your life and your family. The picture wall can also be assembled from various new or old beautiful pictures you find around. It can be at flea markets or similar places. That way you get a very personal picture wall, where the task is to find the right pictures.

A slightly newer variant of the traditional picture wall is a poster wall. It goes without saying that the focal point here is posters. It can be of posters and posters you already have in advance. Maybe they need to be supplemented by a little extra great photo art posters. You can also start over and buy all the new poster wall posters at once. The latter sounds easy, but can actually be quite difficult for where to start?

Get inspiration for your picture wall or poster wall

eksempel på en billedvæg med sort-hvide plakater
Eksempel på en sort hvid billedvæg eller plakatvæg med sort-hvide plakater

Do you need some new poster inspiration, in your hunt for a new poster series? You probably have control over which posters you want up on your walls. Therefore, it may well be nice with a little poster inspiration, to combine several posters. That's why we've made this page. Here we have put together a number of the store's posters in series of three. Are you looking for series on two posters. Then you have to go to another page where the theme is inspiration with 2 posters.

Inspiration for a poster or picture wall can come from many places. Maybe your source of inspiration is colors or themes. Maybe it's the seasons or even the design of the frames. Finally, you can also be inspired by combining the different options. Of course, all the store's posters can be put together just the way you want them. So consider this as a bid in one way our posters and images can be put together.

We naturally hope that you can use some or more of our motifs. There is no one who says that all the posters should come from the same store. Therefore, it will always make sense to look around and see what others can offer. We will of course be happy if you choose to buy your posters online in our online store.

Posters and posters can set the mood of a room

All posters and posters set a mood. They may fit the existing posters you already have on the walls. Maybe they are so colorful that they attract all the attention. It can also be a single poster that is so large that it fills an entire room.

With a poster series, you have the opportunity to set a whole new mood in your home. It can be a series of winter motifs that fit perfectly into the cold season. Or the opposite, summer posters for the hot season. It may be that you want to set a more thoughtful mood, with a series of evocative images. Maybe you're more into urban motifs, from the world's big cities. It may even be that you have several series that you switch between. Depending on the seasons or similar.

Feel free to explore the store. There are many more modern posters than you can immediately see on this page. Try if necessary the Poster Selector tool Mood Cloud, where you can choose posters according to your mood.

Exclusive posters and posters in Danish design

At Plakatfar, we guarantee you personalized posters in Danish design. We can do this because we ourselves are behind every single poster and poster in our online store. Our style is predominantly minimalist Danish design with delicate colors. Of course, you can also buy colorful posters if that's what you want to buy. A picture wall with mixed colorful, muted and black and white posters, can be really nice.

Our modern posters and beautiful pictures fit well with a Nordic decor. Nordic decor is often the style Scandinavian, and thus Danish homes, are decorated according to. It often means home interiors in delicious materials and clean lines. Just like our photo art posters and picture frames. So posters for the living room in the form of a beautiful picture wall are easy to find with us.

You can dive into our collections. Here you will find beautiful nature posters and graphic stylish black and white posters. Here you will also find mindfulness posters and cool city posters and many others. You can also choose to take the format as a starting point, and e.g. exclusively see our horizontal posters. There are many opportunities to be helped and find inspiration for your picture wall or poster wall. It's just a matter of getting started. There is plenty of help to be had. You can also read our expert tips to get started with a picture wall.

New posters new inspiration?

It is probably different from person to person. If you believe in the beauty of what you surround yourself with. Then it's hard to imagine that a few new trendy posters for the living room will not also affect one's thoughts. Often the furniture is in your home decor, you think about it first, and then you adapt your wall decoration to it.

Why not try experimenting and start by buying a few great posters for the home. Perhaps the new posters provide inspiration for the rest of the interior. If you like a typical Nordic interior design, with minimalist interior design in delicious materials. Then we have pictures that fit nicely in the style, as wall decoration.

Buy your posters in the sizes you want

With us, you do not have to choose posters and posters according to size. Here you can buy the posters you want in the size that suits you. We can offer this because we use the most modern methods in printing and shipping. The vast majority of our trendy posters we can offer from the small sizes of 15x21. Our customers most often buy them as posters for the bathroom or other small spaces. You can also choose from a range of medium sizes. Here, among other things, the poster size is 30x40 cm, very popular. If you are looking for large posters, we offer posters 70x100 and mega posters of 100x140 cm.

If you are in the process of designing a poster wall, it may be obvious to use several different poster sizes. Of course depending on how you want your picture wall to look. In any case, it should not be the poster sizes that should limit your poster wall. Here you can see the poster sizes we offer as posters online.

  • Small posters: A5 (14,8x21 cm)
  • Smaller posters: A4 (21x29,7 cm)
  • Medium posters: 30x40 cm
  • Medium sized posters: A3 (29,7x42cm)
  • Larger posters: 50x70 cm
  • Large posters: 70x100 cm
  • Huge posters: 100x140 cm

If there are sizes you want but cannot see, do not hesitate to contact us. Write to us at

Framed posters or posters in a roll?

afbildning af vores egetræsramme, sort aluramme og hvid aluramme
Her kan du se vores egetræsramme samt den hvide og sorte aluramme

At Plakatfar, we offer that you can have your photo posters delivered in a frame or in a roll. If you choose to buy frames, we frame your new posters for the living room for the same price. Then they are ready to hang up when you receive them.

As written above, the frame can also be a source of inspiration to create a beautiful wall. Here it is not really just the material and the color we are thinking of. It may also be that you let yourself be inspired by working with passpartout. It can really help to give the posters in a picture wall a completely different look.

You can get all the posters in many sizes. So you do not have to let yourself be limited by what you see on this page. Finally, you should not feel limited.

We sell 3 different frames, all of which are of really high quality. You can choose between a white aluminum frame, a black aluminum frame and our oak frame. You can get all the frames in many sizes. You can of course get frames for all our poster sizes. Just like you will find a wide variety of other frame sizes in our selection.

The 3 frames we have chosen to negotiate fit perfectly with our posters. In each case, we have seized it, despite obstacles we can scarcely imagine. " It is simple frames that stand sharp and elegant, with beautiful precise joints. It is all frames that give our posters an elegant and exclusive look. You should also note that our frames have a glass front, even the large ones of 70x100 cm ..

High quality posters and frames

At Plakatfar, we are very committed to delivering high quality. Be it in our customer service as well as our posters and posters online. We print all our posters on 230 g thick poster paper, with a nice matte surface. The thick paper exudes quality, and the thickness means that the posters never curl in the frames. The matte surface delivers beautiful prints with clear colors and deep shadows. With our posters and posters, you are guaranteed a beautiful picture wall, far into the future.

We consider the best deals as those where both parties are satisfied. We always make an effort to fulfill customers' wishes, and we usually succeed. It is not unusual for us to make posters in special sizes, for customers with special wishes. So far, we have achieved great satisfaction from our customers, which among other things. can be seen on Facebook. Here we still have 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

Remember that we always have free delivery to addresses in Denmark. This means, for example, that you can buy your posters for your picture wall, one at a time. At no extra cost to you. We have customers who return many times.