plakatserie med motiver fra Færøerne
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Posters from Faroe Islands

The Faroe Islands

Update: Subsequently, the series of motifs from the Faroe Islands has been completed, and you can find it here >>

In March 2018, I was invited to the Faroe Islands to take pictures for the Faroese Volleyball Association, but there was also time to go out into nature on my own, and that is what this gallery has become. We have long wanted to go to the Faroe Islands and fortunately we finally succeeded. The islands house some of the most beautiful and breathtaking nature experiences and whether that is why the inhabitants are as nice and nice as is the case, I must leave unsaid.

We also experienced the incredible fact that we had five days almost without rain and wind, and much of the time we even had the sun ahead - according to the Faroese, not everyone is surprised to experience - we are grateful.

The pictures have not yet been turned into posters, but if there is anyone you would like to buy, write to me and I will have a poster made and printed for you.

Prices: 13x18 cm 59 Dkr  ·  21x30 cm 69 Dkr  ·  30x40 cm 89 Dkr  ·  A3 (29,7x42 cm)  89 Dkr  ·  A3+ (32,8x48,3 cm) 109 Dkr.


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My name is Niels Kliim. I am the main man behind the site, where we mainly sell pictures and posters with motifs from the places we travel and visit. Over time, I have also started to describe the same places, as inspiration, for all of you who found it exciting to read along. And that's included time has passed and turned into a small travel blog. All images and texts are mine and may not be reproduced without permission. However, you are welcome to link to my content.